Eye on Mental Health
A Penn State Student Focus Group with Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

Welcome! If you are reading this, you've been invited to participate in the Eye on Mental Health focus group. Review and complete this form to join.

Eye on Mental Health is a student focus group that addresses mental and emotional wellness considerations at Penn State counseling centers. 

Why should I participate?
  • Have your voice heard!
  • Contribute to the broad wellness of Penn State students.
  • Add to your resume your role as an “Eye on Mental Health focus group member.”

Who can join?
Students currently enrolled at a Penn State campus may participate, both graduate and undergraduate students.

How do I join?
Complete this contact form!

What happens when I join?
After completing the contact form, your Penn State email address will be added to a contact list. Brief feedback surveys will be sent to your Penn State email inbox each semester. Email addresses are not shared or distributed.

How much time does it involve?
Your involvement is at your own pace based on the time and energy you have available to provide at a given time. In general, each survey is expected take no more than 3 minutes to complete. Your participation in each survey is voluntary and you can decline to participate at any time. This group operates entirely via email surveys and does not meet. 
By selecting "I agree" below I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to the following:
  1. Participation in feedback surveys is voluntary.
  2. Joining this focus group does not constitute treatment or any form of clinical service associated with a Penn State counseling center.
  3. Feedback surveys are to be used for the general betterment of Penn State student mental and emotional wellness. Feedback surveys are not for expressing concern about specific individuals or situations. 
  • For emergency mental health concerns for oneself or another Penn State student, contact the Penn State Crisis Line (1-877-229-6400).
  • For emergency mental health concerns about a non-Penn State student dial 988.
  • For non-emergency mental health concerns, contact your Penn State counseling center during operating hours.
  • More information about helping students experiencing distress and resource options can be found at The Red Folder: redfolder.psu.edu
* indicates required
Only psu.edu email addresses will be accepted